Ongoing research and more
Short CV
01–04/2018 Visiting Research Student KAUST (Saudi Arabia)
06–07/2017 Student Assistant Technische Universität Ilmenau (D)
2014–2017 MSc (Physics) Humboldt University, Berlin (D)
08–10/2016 Summer Student ISIS, RAL, Oxford (UK)
2015–2016 Erasmus Year University of Leeds, Leeds (UK)
2011–2014 BSc (Physics) Humboldt University, Berlin (D)
German (mother tongue)
English (C2)
ultimate frisbee
Publications in International Journals
- "Unconventional Charge-to-Spin Conversion in Graphene/MoTe2 van der Waals Heterostructures" Nerea Ontoso, C. K. Safeer, Franz Herling, Josep Ingla-Aynés, Haozhe Yang, Zhendong Chi, Beatriz Martin-Garcia, Iñigo Robredo, Maia G. Vergniory, Fernando de Juan, M. Reyes Calvo, Luis E. Hueso, and Fèlix Casanova,Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 014053 – Published 19 January 2023 https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.09095
- "Reliability of spin-to-charge conversion measurements in graphene-based lateral spin valves" C. K. Safeer, Franz Herling, Won Young Choi, Nerea Ontoso, Josep Ingla-Aynes, Luis E Hueso, Fèlix Casanova, 2D Mater. 9 015024 (2022), https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.04170
- "Electrical Control of Valley-Zeeman Spin-Orbit-Coupling–Induced Spin Precession at Room Temperature"
Josep Ingla-Aynés, Franz Herling, Jaroslav Fabian, Luis E. Hueso, and Fèlix Casanova, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 047202 , https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.14237
Franz Herling, C. K. Safeer, Josep Ingla-Aynes, Nerea Ontoso, Luis E Hueso, Fèlix Casanova, APL Mater.8, 071103 (2020)
- "Spin Hall effect in bilayer graphene combined with an insulator up to room temperature"
C. K. Safeer, Josep Ingla-Aynes, Nerea Ontoso, Franz Herling, Wenjing Yan, Luis E Hueso, Fèlix Casanova, Nano Lett. 2020 https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/2005/2005.07249.pdf
- "Large Multidirectional Spin-to-Charge Conversion in Low-Symmetry Semimetal MoTe2 at Room Temperature"
Safeer, C. K.; Ontoso, N.; Ingla-Aynés, J.; Herling, F.; Pham, V. T.; Kurzmann, A.; Ensslin, K.; Chuvilin, A.; Robredo, I.; Vergniory, M. G.; et al. Nano Lett. 2019, 19 (12), 8758–8766. https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.04642
- "Room temperature spin Hall effect in graphene/MoS2 van der Waals heterostructures"
C. K. Safeer, Josep Ingla-Aynés, Franz Herling, José H. Garcia, Marc Vila, Nerea Ontoso, M. Reyes Calvo, Stephan Roche, Luis E. Hueso, Fèlix Casanova , Nano Lett. 2019, 19, 1078, https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.12481
Previous publications
- "Spin-orbit interaction in InAs/GaSb heterostructures quantified by weak antilocalization"
Herling, F., Morrison, C., Knox, C. S., Zhang, S., Newell, O., Myronov, M., ... & Marrows, C. H. (2017). Physical Review B, 95(15), 155307.
- "Partial hybridisation of electron-hole states in an InAs/GaSb double quantum well heterostructure", Knox, C. S., Morrison, C., Herling, F., Ritchie, D. A., Newell, O., Myronov, M., ... & Marrows, C. H. (2017). Semiconductor Science and Technology, 32(10), 104002.
Conference presentations
Electrical control of spin-orbit coupling-induced spin precession and spin-to-charge conversion in graphene proximitized by WSe2. F. Herling, J. Ingla-Aynés, C.K. Safeer, N. Ontoso, J. Fabian, L. E. Hueso, F. Casanova, 5th Graphene Workshop (Basel, Switzerland), 1 - 3 November 2021.Talk.
Electrical control of spin-orbit coupling-induced spin precession and spin-to-charge conversion in graphene proximitized by WSe2. F. Herling, J. Ingla-Aynés, C.K. Safeer, N. Ontoso, J. Fabian, L. E. Hueso, F. Casanova, The 2021 Around-the-Clock Around-the-Globe Magnetics Conference (IEEE Magnetics Society), 24 August 2021. [ONLINE]. Talk.
Electrical control of spin-orbit coupling-induced spin precession and spin-to-charge conversion in graphene proximitized by WSe2, DPG 2021, online conference, September 29, 2021. Talk.
Proximity-induced spin Hall effect in graphene/WSe2 van der Waals heterostructures with tunable, highly efficient spin-to-charge conversion; F. Herling, C.K. Safeer, J. Ingla-Aynés, N. Ontoso, L. E. Hueso, F. Casanova, The Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS2020) (Lisbon, Portugal). December 7th to 11th 2020. [ONLINE]. Talk.
Proximity-Induced Spin Hall Effect in Graphene/WSe2 van der Waals Heterostructures with Tunable, Highly Efficient Spin-to-Charge Conversion; F. Herling, C.K. Safeer, J. Ingla-Aynés, N. Ontoso, L. E. Hueso, F. Casanova, 65th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM 2020) (Palm Beach, Florida, USA). November 2nd to 6th 2020. [ONLINE]. Talk.
Gate tunability of highly efficient spin-to-charge conversion by spin Hall effect in graphene proximitized with WSe2; F. Herling, C.K. Safeer, J. Ingla-Aynés, N. Ontoso, L. E. Hueso, F. Casanova, 2020 Joint Cconference of the Condensed Matter Divisions of EPS CMD and RSEF GEFES (Madrid, Spain). August 31st to September 4th 2020. [ONLINE] Talk.
Proximity-induced spin Hall effect in graphene/WSe2 van der Waals heterostructures with tunable, highly efficient spin-to-charge conversion; Franz Herling, C.K. Safeer, Josep Ingla-Aynés, Nerea Ontoso, Luis E. Hueso, Fèlix Casanova, DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section 2020 (Dresden, Germany). March 15th to 20th 2020. [CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19].
Room-Temperature Spin Hall Effect in Graphene/MoS2 van der Waals Heterostructures, Franz Herling, C. K. Safeer, Josep Ingla Aynés, José H. Garcia, Marc Vila, Nerea Ontoso, M. Reyes Calvo, Stephan Roche, Luis E. Hueso, Fèlix Casanova, IOP Magnetism 2019, Leeds (UK), April 8th -9th, 2019
Spin-to-charge conversion in strong spin-orbit coupling systems; F. Herling, C. K. Safeer, J. Ingla-Aynés, R. Llopis, L. E. Hueso, F. Casanova. European School On Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, ESONN 2018 (Grenoble, France), August 26th – September 15th, 2018 poster