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Ongoing research and more


Atomic force microscope image of the sample I am currently investigating.




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French: Basics

​​​Publications in International Journals

- "Long-lived valley states in bilayer graphene quantum dots", Rebekka Garreis, Chuyao Tong, Jocelyn Terle, Max Josef Ruckriegel, Jonas Daniel Gerber, Lisa Maria Gächter, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Thomas Ihn, Klaus Ensslin & Wei Wister Huang, Nature Physics (2024)

- "Single-Shot Spin Readout in Graphene Quantum Dots",Lisa Maria Gächter, Rebekka Garreis, Jonas Daniel Gerber, Max Josef Ruckriegel, Chuyao Tong, Benedikt Kratochwil, Folkert Kornelis de Vries, Annika Kurzmann, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Thomas Ihn, Klaus Ensslin, and Wister Wei Huang, PRX Quantum 3, 020343

-"Kondo effect and spin-orbit coupling in graphene quantum dots", Annika Kurzmann, Yaakov Kleeorin, Chuyao Tong, Rebekka Garreis, Angelika Knothe, Marius Eich, Christopher Mittag, Carolin Gold, Folkert K de Fries, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Vladimir Fal’ko, Yigal Meir, Thomas Ihn, Klaus Ensslin, Nat Commun 2021 Oct 14;12(1):6004,

- "Shell Filling and Trigonal Warping in Graphene Quantum Dots", Rebekka Garreis, Angelika Knothe, Chuyao Tong, Marius Eich, Carolin Gold, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Vladimir Fal'ko, Thomas Ihn, Klaus Ensslin, Annika Kurzmann,

- "Tunable valley splitting and bipolar operation in graphene quantum dots", Chuyao Tong, Rebekka Garreis, Angelika Knothe, Marius Eich, Agnese Sacchi, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Vladimir Fal'ko, Thomas Ihn, Klaus Ensslin, Annika Kurzmann, Nano Lett. 2021, 21, 2, 1068–1073,

- "Coulomb Dominated Cavities in Bilayer Graphene", Marius Eich, Riccardo Pisoni, Chuyao Tong, Rebekka Garreis, Peter Rickhaus, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Thomas Ihn, Klaus Ensslin, Annika Kurzmann, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 022038(R)

- "Gap Opening in Twisted Double Bilayer Graphene by Crystal Fields", Peter Rickhaus, Giulia Zheng, Jose L. Lado, Yongjin Lee, Annika Kurzmann, Marius Eich, Riccardo Pisoni, Chuyao Tong, Rebekka Garreis, Carolin Gold, Michele Masseroni, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Wantanabe, Thomas Ihn, Klaus Ensslin, Nano Lett. 2019, 19, 12, 8821-8828

- "Excited States in Bilayer Graphene Quantum Dots", A. Kurzmann, M. Eich, H. Overweg, M. Mangold, F. Herman, P. Rickhaus, R. Pisoni, Y. Lee, R. Garreis, C. Tong, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, K. Ensslin, and T. Ihn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 026803,


Conference presentations

Charge Detection in Electrostatically Defined Quantum Dots in Bilayer Graphene, 737. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on ‘Advances in Scalable Hardware Platforms for Quantum Computing’, online, 11.-13-01-2021, Poster

Shell filling and trigonal warping in graphene quantum dots, QD2020, online, December 7-11, 2020. Prize winning poster.

Charge Detection in Electrostatically Defined Quantum Dots in Bilayer Graphene, Mauterndorf, Austria, 23.02.-28.02.20. Poster

Electrostatically Defined Nanostructures in Bilayer Graphene, Arosa, Switzerland , 05.02.-07.02.20, Poster

Charge Detection in Electrostatically Defined Quantum Dots in Bilayer Graphene, Poster, Grenoble, France, 25.08.-14.09, 2019

Charge detection in gate-defined bilayer graphene quantum dots, R. Garreis, A. Kurzmann, M. Eich, C. Tong, L. Gächter, P. Rickhaus, R. Pisoni, M. Masseroni, Y. Lee, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, QSIT Junior Meeting 2019, Flumserberg, Switzerland, June 3-6, 2019. Poster

Charge detection in bilayer graphene quantum dots, R. Garreis, A.Kurzmann, M. Eich, C. Tong, P. Rickhaus, R. Piosini, Y. Lee, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, Graphene Study 2019, Obergurgl, Austria, February 3-8, 2019. Poster

Fluxoid-periodicity crossover from h/2e to h/e in Al nano-loops, R. Garreis, J. Braun, C. Espy, O.J. Sharon, F. Strigl, Y. Yeshurun, E. Scheer, DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the EPS, Berlin, Germany, March 11-16, 2018.

Fluxoid-periodicity crossover from h/2e to h/e in aluminium nano-loops, O.J. Sharon, R. Garreis, J. Braun, C. Espy, F. Strigl, A. Shaulov, E. Scheer, Y. Yeshurun, 28th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 9-16, 2017.

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